Are you aware of what Proposition 60 can do for you? Are you ready to cut your cost of living to a whole new minimum without sacrificing your quality of life? If so, you are ready to hear about an exciting new development in title law. Did you know that you can transfer your home title to a whole new property without raising your property taxes? As a matter of fact, you can lower them to a level that you will be completely comfortable with. Thanks to the passage of Propostion 60, you can remain a home owner while downsizing your costs without losing your comfort.
You may be ready to cut your cost of living in Southern California but you may not quite know how. Thanks to the passage of Proposition 60, there is a way to make downsizing property in San Diego a reality. You can transfer the title from your present home to a new location of equal or slightly lesser worth while also keeping your property taxes at their present level. This is a one time offer that you are fully qualified to take advantage of. The time to do so is now as this offer is strictly limited.
If you are interested in transferring your title to a new home, you can do so by means of the brand new Proposition 60 enactment. Your reasons for doing so may come down to a number of factors. Your children may have flown the nest or you may have recently suffered a bereavement. Regardless of your reasons, one thing is clear: You have the ability to transfer your title to a whole new property without having to suffer the penalty of increased taxes. To do this, you need to take advantage of the new rules that Proposition 60 has established for home owners who are over the age of 60.
If you are interested in downsizing property in San Diego, now is the time to learn what Proposition 60 can do for you. You can move to a whole new location in an exciting new area of your choice without having to suffer the sting of an increase in your applicable property taxes. There’s no need to hold on to an excessively costly property due to sentimental reasons. If you want to be free of an oppressive financial burden, now is your time to cut the cord. Feel free to contact us in order to learn more about what Proposition 60 can do on your behalf.
If you are ready to cut your cost of living in Southern California, we can help. Downsizing property in San Diego is easier than ever to accomplish. Contact us today for details.
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