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How To Enjoy The Ups & Downs of Real Estate

How To Enjoy The Ups & Downs of Real Estate
Imagine spending over 203 hours, 31 property tours, 27 offers and countless late phone calls to agents and your client giving your all. Delivering bad news time and time again. Being an advocate when the doors keep getting closed in your face. Keeping positive and supporting your clients mental state through the process, softening the blow of critical comments from other landlords and sellers. In the end an unsuccessful transaction transpired. Unsuccessful in helping the client fulfill their need to procure a location to operate and the “unsuccess” of being paid zero dollars.
Translate that to your work environment. How would you perform, how would you feel under these conditions? Could you keep getting up, keep giving it your all, keep a positive attitude, and communicate even when the news gets worse? Could you stay focused on the goal in mind and lead your work/organization to the finish line despite all the setbacks and distractions?
Think through your work and profession. What are things that make your team or your business move forward in a positive and fruitful way?
  • Is there a clear goal in mind? Do you know what is needed, what is preferred, and what is required?
  • Is there a budget to be conscious of?
  • How do you use resources to achieve all the needs of an organization?
  • How do you like communicating and being communicated with?
  • Do you have autonomy? Are you open to new ideas and viewpoints? Do you have a medium or environment for creativity?
  • How do you create a positive culture and foster the best from each individual?
No doubt real estate is a challenging industry with very gifted and talented people to handle the trials, pitfalls, and roller coaster of a transaction. But I don’t tell this story to praise the industry or the people in it, but rather to help lay a great foundation to get the success that is critical for your business to flourish or your family to have a secure home.

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